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  • 7 Reasons Why I Choose to Use Lead-free Ammunition
    March 11, 2017

    7 Reasons Why I Choose to Use Lead-free Ammunition

    Introduction  Regardless of the lead ammunition bans that are starting to occur across the country, my perspective is that there are enough reasons to thoroughly convince me to choose to use lead-free ammunition. Over the past few years, lead exposure...

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  • 9mm ammo
    July 2, 2016

    The Best 9mm Ammo in 2017

    Read about the advantage and disadvantages of the 9MM.  We lay out all the details about the round, what ammunition is great, and innovation that's happening in this space.  We've updated this for 2017.
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  • Frangible Ammo 101
    June 5, 2016

    Frangible Ammo 101

    In years past, ammo options were fairly restricted. Standard FMJ or hollow points were the two main categories, and not much else. Today, there is a wide selection of specialty ammo, each designed for a specific purpose. In this article, we will take a closer look at frangible ammo.

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